Saturday, March 14, 2009


Sigh...survived my first week back at work. I'm only working 4 days (who needs Mondays anyway?) but 32 hours was just enough to wipe me out. I completely forgot how busy it is keeping up with pumping at work! Hopefully I can figure out that routine soon :)

John did fabulous on his first day home with both kids. I was amazed that the house was semi-clean. He even made yummy enchiladas for dinner! He gets double brownie points this week.

Thank goodness there's nothing planned this week. Both boys are sick with colds and I am desperately trying to not catch it. Amazingly, I completely forgot St. Pattys Day was upon us until I saw my good friends blog with her babe all dolled up with shamrocks. Appearantly my brain is done so I'd better stop rambling. L8r

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back to work

I can't believe how busy my week is! I'm headed back to work next Tuesday and I have to pack all the essentials up for the sitters house as well as my Mom's so they are ready for Miss Eva. Diapers, bottles, clothes, bouncer, blankets, yikes! Plus Darren's birthday party is Saturday and I need to wrap presents, bake cupcakes, get goodie bags. Can I tell you how happy I am that were having it at the Gymnastics place?

It's been raining all week and Darren has been soooooo good for a cooped up little guy. Here's a picture we took this week. What a great brother. He's always offering to hold her while I cook dinner.