What a great time we had, going to the big D-land with my parents and Adam and Juanita. Eva wasn't up for the rides, though Daddy tried hard with the carousel. She did have a wonderful time in the Redwood forest, toon town and generally exploring all the sights. Darren, on the other hand, was the PERFECT age for it. He was tentative at first, but once we figured out that it was the loud noises that scared him most, we taught him to cover his ears and we were golden! He must have ridden Thunder Mountain 12 times! He also tried Indian Jones, the Matterhorn, and even Tower of Terror! No space mountain, though...we decided not to push it too far the first time. Humorously, his favorite kid ride was Pinnochio (which none of the adults liked). We took turns riding it, ro-sham-bo, loser has to go! LOL!

Juanita and Adam were amazing to have around. Not only are they just super fun to hang out with, but they are great with the kids. We met up with them at the airport and they were a big help. John, Eva and I sat in one row with A, J & D behind us.
It did rain. A lot. Kinda dissapointing that the fireworks and Fantasmic were cancelled. We tried to Wolrd of Color light show Saturday, but got rained out. I was suprised that the park was a crowded as it was, despite the rain. Luckily we were prepared and so very close with our rooms at the Grand Californian (Amazing! Thanks Mom & Dad!). We swam in the pool and had a personal entrance to California Adventure. Especially great for Eva's naps.