Thursday, September 24, 2009

Halloween ideas

I'm pondering our halloween outfits. Since we'll be on a Carnival Cruise, I think there's bound to be contests and stuff so I want to do something fun and coordinated. I'm thinking if Eva was a little bee, then I could make John a quick beekeeper outfit. Easy! But what should I be? Maybe a flower or a garden or somthing? I do have a honey colored bridesmaid dress I've been saving for costume use. I wonder what I could do with that....

Anyway, very excited about the bee costume. I'm trying to make it of quality peices that we can continue to use separately. I.e. a cute yellow tutu or pettiskirt can be worn for years for dress up. I also may buy a deliciously soft yellow hoodie I've been eyeing. If I just tack on some wings and stripes it could be a great jacket for the cold season. Oh, and I've fallen off the Babylegs-Anonymous wagon again...they have bee stripe ones!

Oh, and of course, Darren will be Batman...again. LOL!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Day as a soccer mom

What a crazy Monday! I went to work 7-11, then booked home to meet with Eva's infant educator. We had an exhuasting workout, then I sent both kids in for a nap (unsuccessfully I might add, no one fell asleep). Finished most of the laundry, then it was off to Darren's very first soccer practice.

We almost didn't have a team this year, due to lack of volunteer coaches. One mom did step up, but she has no idea what she's doing. It turned out Samantha Anderson's son is on our team, so it was nice to see an old CHS peep. Both of us stepped up to volunteer to assist with practices, I'm taking Mondays and she'll do Wednesdays. Oh, and Amy Belding was on the next team's just a class reunion over here!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still excited

Well, despite the fact that the results of my personal garments were dissapointing, I am still thrilled about the Tie Dye Party!!! It's funny, because I love all my friends, but I can tell which ones do not like to get their hands dirty. I still love you anyway, neat-and-clean-friends!

I want to keep going! I am totally considering tie dye sheets. I need to get some twin size anyway, fot the kids new beds....Hmmmmm.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tie Dye Pictures

Finally, I get to see the results!

Tie Dye Party

Yay! What a great day! I hope everyone had a good time making a mess...I know I did :)
I'm waiting for my projects to dry so I can post pictures. In the meantime, here's the pictures people have sent so far:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pink and Green

Okay, so I've been pondering how to decorate the kids room, now that they will both be in there. I want to make it compatable with the dark green walls (too lazy to paint over them). So I had this great epiphany while I was changing a diaper of all things :) Ha!

My friend Lisa got me this georgeous pink and green diaper bag, and it's just the scheme I want. Mostly dark and light green, with accents in pink and magenta. I love it!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


My mom bought some baby special DHA baby food and Eva hated it. Apple delight, I think was the name. Since this was the very first food she refused, I checked the ingredients and fructooligosaccharide was the third (!) ingredient. Beech nut baby food is officially on my s**t list! Ewwww!!!

Glad to see my daughter has descerning taste :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back from the Trail

Well, we had a great time on the Rubicon! The kids did great. You can see from the pictures how much Darren hates the outdoors. Notice how Daddy is holding Eva’s hand while she sleeps…Awwww!

Eva’s favorite part was the shiny grommet on the tarp that was keeping her dry. It was quite rainy, and yes, we even got some close calls with the thunder and lightning. We were well prepared though, with our nice new tent and an easy up, so we kept nice and dry. I actually like going when it's rainy, because there is so much less company on the trail. I even got to drive for awhile! I couldn't reach the pedals in our old CJ-5. Can’t wait to do it again!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Off to the Rubicon

I am looking forward to a weekend of camping and bouncing around in the jeep! The forecast is for thunderstorms, but I'm not going to chicken out at this point. (If I get struck by lightning, just know that's the way I would have wanted to go. Drink Sierra Nevada at my funeral.) I'm pretty sure it will just mean more mud puddles for Darren to take advantage of.Luckily, I'll have my car at base camp, so there will be escape in the case of flood and/or frightened kids.

These pictures are from last fall. Eva actually came with us, but had a much cushier ride inside Mama's belly!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hooray! I'm going on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera! I can't believe vI'm going to actually need a passport!

Acapulco, Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa and Manzanillo :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


Wow, we had such a fabulous time picnicing with Staci and Parker today! Waaaayyyyyy too hot to stay in, plus the kids got their booster shots today and needed some distractions. I have a hunch that Staci may be the only person who reads thanks Staci, you are so much fun!!!!


Well, fresh back from working on the trails up in Foresthill. If you didn't know, John and I run the Friends of Foresthill OHV Trails volunteer non-profit. We were getting the trails ready to open (clearing downed trees, draining wet areas, picking up trash). Dismal turnout, but we busted our butts and got a lot done. Here's some pictures of the weekend:

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Sigh...survived my first week back at work. I'm only working 4 days (who needs Mondays anyway?) but 32 hours was just enough to wipe me out. I completely forgot how busy it is keeping up with pumping at work! Hopefully I can figure out that routine soon :)

John did fabulous on his first day home with both kids. I was amazed that the house was semi-clean. He even made yummy enchiladas for dinner! He gets double brownie points this week.

Thank goodness there's nothing planned this week. Both boys are sick with colds and I am desperately trying to not catch it. Amazingly, I completely forgot St. Pattys Day was upon us until I saw my good friends blog with her babe all dolled up with shamrocks. Appearantly my brain is done so I'd better stop rambling. L8r

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back to work

I can't believe how busy my week is! I'm headed back to work next Tuesday and I have to pack all the essentials up for the sitters house as well as my Mom's so they are ready for Miss Eva. Diapers, bottles, clothes, bouncer, blankets, yikes! Plus Darren's birthday party is Saturday and I need to wrap presents, bake cupcakes, get goodie bags. Can I tell you how happy I am that were having it at the Gymnastics place?

It's been raining all week and Darren has been soooooo good for a cooped up little guy. Here's a picture we took this week. What a great brother. He's always offering to hold her while I cook dinner.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eva the Diva

Well, here I am blogging, one handed, with Baby Eva in my arms. Now I think I'll go customize my look :)